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We view our role as much more than the preparation of required legal documents. With over 35 years of experience representing both start-up and mature franchise companies, we have developed vast knowledge in all aspects of franchising, enabling us to offer legal services and guidance to a broad spectrum of industries. We provide not just traditional preparation and registration of the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) under federal and state law, but also guidance in the franchise sales process, franchise operations, resolution of franchise disputes and best practices with respect to establishing positive relationships with franchisees.
In addition to traditional transactional and dispute resolution services to franchisors, Mr. Steinberg and the Immigration Law Department of Jaffe, Raitt, Heuer & Weiss, P.C., have the experience to link foreign nationals seeking permanent residency in the United States to invest in franchises. Through the federal EB-5 program, an immigrant investor must make an investment of $1 million in a new commercial enterprise that will create at least 10 new jobs ($500,000 if the jobs are created in a targeted employment area) in the United States during the first 2 years. Once these criteria have been met, the investor then will receive a 2-year conditional green card from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). A second filing is then made at the end of the 2 years to secure an unconditional green card. Green cards may be issued not just for the individual investor, but immediate family members as well.
A quality franchise organization must have a "team" of legal, accounting, sales representatives and other consultants experienced in all facets of franchise operations. Based on working relationships developed over 35 years, Mr. Steinberg has developed a team of expert individuals who have worked in and provided such services to the franchise industry for their entire careers. See some of these experts on our Franchising Consultant Team page.
Since 2013, we have established and conducted a free networking group for the principals or executive officers of franchise companies to meet on a quarterly basis at our offices to discuss mutual issues of common concern to franchise systems. In addition, we present at these meetings guest speakers who are experts in different areas that are material to franchise systems including, among other subjects, marketing, operations, accounting systems, franchise relations, franchisee workouts, product sourcing and best practices.